Case Study | Public Sector

Overhauling Access Control at Redbridge Council

JanusC4 was the preferred solution for the project for many reasons, notably due to the centralised control of multiple sites and remote access capabilities.

Redbridge Council had been relying on an outdated and poorly maintained access control system, which caused multiple issues on a regular basis. Fortunately, they were able to seek help from the renowned security firm, Hall & Kay, who were already working in another department. 

JanusC4 was the preferred solution for the project for many reasons, notably due to the centralised control of multiple sites and remote access capabilities.  

The existing system, as well as being difficult to maintain, had high operational costs which was a concern for the public authority who always strive for cost reduction. JanusC4 was able to deliver more in terms of functionality and capability, while also being more cost-effective. Therefore, the decision to upgrade the building’s access control to JanusC4 was made. 

To meet the project requirements, the change needed to happen quickly. JanusC4 was rapidly deployed. Hall & Kay upgraded the controllers and readers, and thanks to JanusC4’s ability to manage multiple doors on a single controller, space was maximised in doing this. 

All parts were quickly shipped from the Grosvenor Technology warehouse in Dorset, on the south coast of the UK, further enabling a speedy and efficient process. 

Hall & Kay is anticipating that additional council buildings will benefit from similar upgrades, making managing the whole estate far easier and more responsive. As a designated security team for Redbridge Council, Hall & Kay has access to the centralised control dashboard. This means they can rapidly respond to any issues or queries, reducing downtime, something that is a significant benefit in a busy public building. 


“The upgrade of our existing access control system to JanusC4 took place quickly and efficiently. It has enabled us to manage all outlining building from one central location and subsequently better manage user databases and streamline our onboarding process. Thanks to Hall & Kay and Grosvenor Technology for their rapid response on this project.” 

London Borough of Redbridge 


“It was a pleasure to work with Grosvenor Technology on another successful access control upgrade. As always, Grosvenor’s quick response, ability to efficiently deliver equipment and JanusC4 offering an integrated solution meant it was the preferred system for our client. Thank you to all the team for your continued support.” 

Hall & Kay  


About Hall & Kay 

Hall & Kay deliver complex fire protection and security solutions.

They are technical experts focussed on the lifetime value of a project. They design, supply, install, test and maintain all types of sprinkler, fire detection, gas suppressions and integrated security systems.

They take the lead on design and project management, working in partnership with their clients through every step of the project lifecycle. Resulting in systems built with sustainability in mind, protecting you and yours against the risks of fire and intrusion, now and into the future.

With 140+ years of trading experience and a strong project delivery culture, they have proudly built lasting relationships with some of the UK’s most respected companies.

Security technicians and installation engineers are trained to the highest standards, and supported by specialist service, maintenance and technical support who are on hand 24 hours, 365 days a year. Offering accurate remote diagnosis and rapid response to all queries.

Hall & Kay have been loyal customers of Grosvenor Technology for many years and collaborate with Grosvenor Technology to deliver world-class solutions to their extensive client base. With Grosvenor Technology’s legacy systems now earmarked for end-of-life, they look forward to bringing this and other sites up to a contemporary standard of security. JanusC4 offers an integrated solution that meets the demands of today’s market.